Military press is the most basic of all the deltoid exercises as it uses a wide range of muscles. Primary stress is place on the front (anterior) deltoids and the middle (median) deltoids. Secondary stress is placed on the triceps, upper chest muscles, and some of the upper back.
This exercise can be performed in a variety of variations such as standing or using the smith machine. The seated military press is a more strict movement than the standing variation, but having a spotter on this exercise is very necessary. The weight racks are usually situated behind your head, which can make lifting them in and out of the racks very difficult to do alone. The smith machine may offer a great alternative when no spotter is available.
Before attempting this exercise, ensure that the military press racks are adjusted to the proper height so that they can easily be moved in and out of the racks at the beginning and end of the exercise. Take a seat on the upright bench and grip the bar with a grip about 3-5 inches wider than your shoulders. Have a spotter help you lift the bar out of the racks until you have stable control of the bar. As the weight on the racks is located behind your head, always have a spotter present when doing the military press.
To do the standing variation of this exercise, stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and clean the weight to your shoulders (click hear to learn how to perform the power clean). Press the bar upward until it is held directly over your head.
Bend your elbows to slowly lower the weight downward and in front of your face and allow the bar to stop just below your chin. Exhale as you press the bar forcefully upward back along the original path until it returns to the starting point. Repeat this movement for the desired number of repetitions. When your set is completed, have your spotter grab the bar and assist you as you place it back onto the racks.
Tips From the Trainer
All individuals performing this exercise are advised to use a spotter when performing the seated press because the racks are located behind the head and can be difficult to lift the bar in and out of. If no spotter is available to you, use the smith machine. Although the smith machine does less to work the stabilizer muscles, the machine can literally be a life saver if your muscles suddenly become tired and you are unable to lift the bar back up.
Try experimenting with a variety of grip widths when doing the military press. Different widths can work the deltoid muscles in different ways and add some needed change to your routine.
Beginners should not attempt the standing variation. Greater balance and stabilization is required to get into position and to press the weight. Take care to not arch the back or lean backwards when performing this variation. Keep the back straight and the bar safely in control throughout the movement.a