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That's right - our exclusive fitness membership club, LeanLifters, is normally $9.97 a month but with your purchase of The 6x6x6 Routine, you can try LeanLifters for only a buck!

Read below for more information, and then you can add this to your checkout cart. Of course, if you just want The 6x6x6 Routine and don't even what to try LeanLifters for just $1, then scroll to the bottom and just click the "No Thanks" button. Then you can check out with only The 6x6x6 Routine.

Who Else Is Tired Of Slow Progress On Getting Fit and Instead Wants To Build More Lean Muscle and Lose More Fat?

Learn How To Get Lean

Maybe you're pretty new to the whole "weight lifting" world and are trying to understand how to start off right for building lean muscle to look good, feel great, and do more.

Or maybe you've been lifting for a while but can't seem to progress.

Either way, are you getting the results you want?

Are you consistently losing fat and gaining muscle?

Do you feel better, look better, and lift more every week?

Every hour is precious and you deserve to be making progress. Consistently.

If You're Like Me...

If you're like me, there was a time in your twenties when you felt like you were in great shape. You were doing some kind of cardio and some kind of weightlifting and you were young. You could drink beer and eat pizza all the time and still look good!

Then other priorities started coming in...

You created a wonderful family, your career started taking off - those are all fantastic things, but unfortunately your fitness level suffered. Yeah, you'd hit the gym once in a while, go for a jog once in a while, but for the most part you were losing ground year after year.

Eating Right For Muscle
Eating Right = Lean Muscle

Well, now your career is stable, your kids are spending more time with their friends, and assuming you've got a great relationship with your wife, you now have an opportunity to get back into shape.

Getting in shape involves three things (on top of a positive mental outlook) in this order:

  1. Eating right
  2. Lifting weights
  3. Cardio

But the problem is this...

If You Just Do These Like You Did When You Were Twenty, They Won't Work

First of all, chances are what you did back when you were twenty was wrong. (I know now that I used do things wrong - if I can admit it, you can admit it!)

Secondly, even if you did do them right back then, you're older now and need to adopt a slightly different routine, particularly when it comes to diet.

And third, regardless of your age, 90% of the advice you're currently getting is probably a waste.

What I Used To Do, Sucked

proper form for lifting weights
I Was Missing Key Exercises For Building Lean Muscle

In high school and college I was flabby, skinny but flabby. I wasn't particularly coordinated, so I ignored team sports. So I started on weight training. I figured I could do it on my own, I didn't need athletic skills, and I'd get rid of my flab, build muscle, and look and feel great!

But I didn't know what I was doing.

Sure, like all beginners, I saw some early progress.

Yet I had no clue, and so for over 10 years - almost 20 years even - I just kind of flailed around.

When I did work out, I was following bad advice.

Looking back, sure - it was better than nothing. I lifted, but not properly. I ran, but not intensely. I ate better than some guys, but inconsistently and not even close to ideally.

But really, compared to what I know now, my weight training sucked. My cardio sucked. My diet sucked.

I'm betting that yours has sucked too.

You're Making The Same Mistakes I Made

Most people get their advice from one of four sources:

  1. Their buddy
  2. A muscle magazine
  3. Endless online searches for free advice (I of course didn't have the Internet when I was in my 20s)
  4. "Advice? I don't need no stinkin' advice! I just make it up myself!"

As you can probably guess, all four of these approaches are risky.

#1: The Buddy Factor: If your "buddy" has been working out for years and is making great progress and has the time to take you under his wing, and recognizes that your lifestyle and bodytype are different than his (so what worked for him may not work for you), then he might be helpful. But there are a lot of "and"s in that sentence...

Unfortunately, most "buddies" are doing the same routine they were doing 10 years ago, with the same weights, and the only change to their physique in the past 10 years has been more gut and less hair. Why? They either stopped seeking new advice years ago, or they probably get their advice from (2) or (3).

So "buddies" are not necessarily experts.

#2: Muscle Mags: Muscle magazines are all owned by supplement companies. I've got nothing against making money - worldfitnessnetwork is a business after all - but if you ask 100 true fitness experts what they think of the muscle mags' advice, the average answer will be that they do more harm than good. Especially for new lifters who can't tell the difference between good advice and bad advice.

#4: Winging It: Hopefully I don't need to go too deep in explaining why this is senseless.

#3: Free Advice Online: But that leaves #3 - getting free advice on the web. And there is some good advice out there, for free (like most of the stuff on !).

Here's the challenge: sifting through all the crap to find the needle in the haystack takes a lot of time.

And if you aren't very experienced, you can't even tell the difference between the "needle" and the "hay".

For how many months (or years) are you going to try to get by on "free advice"?

Squats and compound movements
Good Programs Involve Compound Movements

Do You Really Have The Time To Waste?

Making progress on your physique requires focus and discipline.

Are you focused? Are you disciplined? I bet you are pretty focused and pretty disciplined.

But I bet the thing you lack is... TIME.

The good news is that I've done all this research for you. I've been in the exact same position you are in now. If you're ready to get back into shape, then join me on your journey.

That's Why I Created LeanLifters ™

LeanLifters is an affordable online fitness membership for people like you: you want great advice and information to help ensure that your lifting habits produce consistent results.


You want to get more muscular and leaner.

LeanLifters is the exclusive membership club from

Here's what you get:

  • Access to all archive content on
  • Monthly summaries of scientific journals
  • All new blog posts (non-members only see a subset)
  • Access to the exercises
  • Video training on good lifting form and special exercises
  • A free copy of 3 Months To A New You

  • --- Plus the 3 Months Bonus Package - specific advice geared towards your goals (not available in the free version)

  • Listen in on Interviews with experts
  • MP3 versions of the free teleseminars
  • Email me directly: One-on-one Q&A via email
  • 10% discounts on my ebooks
  • 10% discounts on paid teleseminars
  • Referrals: A free month for each person you introduce that signs up
  • Free enrollment in the 100-pt LeanLifter contests
  • Ability to shape future offerings as part of LeanLifters
  • At least every three months, a new LeanLifters ebook or special report to enhance your routine and workouts

* We're often expanding this list because we want to over-deliver and give you every reasonable advantage we can to continue making your physique progress!

Join LeanLifters Today - Click Here

What Does "Email Me Directly" Mean?

I want to underline one of the items above: free access directly to me via email.

If you've got a specific question unique to your situation, who are you going to ask for advice?

As a member of LeanLifters, you can ask me!

Personal trainers would cost you that much for less than 15 minutes! This benefit alone is worth the price of the membership.

Sure, if you don't join LeanLifters, you can email, or post a comment on the site itself, and maybe you'll get a specific answer. But often I respond to such inquiries that "I get paid for that kind of advice".

As a member of LeanLifters, you are essentially getting free coaching from me! (We have a premium group which includes phone coaching, but that's probably beyond what you need now.)

How much do you think it's worth to make sure that you have access to the right information to make the progress you know you are capable of, making sure that you weed out bad advice, get discounts on relevant products to help you, and get a direct channel to an expert for your specific questions to be answered?

Try LeanLifters for Only $1

If you act today, you can try it out for 7 days for only $1! If you aren't happy with it, you can cancel. For $1 you can't even get a cup of coffee. Here, you may learn things that last a lifetime for that single dollar.

Risk Free $1 Trial

But if you agree that it's worth every penny, we'll charge you $9.97 a month. And of course, you can cancel at any time and not owe anything further. Any information or advice you gleaned will be yours to keep. It's not like we can ask you to to return it...

So that's just $1 to try today. And only $9.97 a month to stay. That's like 30 cents a day or so - crazy cheap. I've been told I should charge $97 a month - almost 10 times what I'm charging - but I want to help as many people as possible and keeping this affordable is a priority. (Don't get me wrong - I still want to make money here, I just would rather make money by having more people join.)

I should mention that I'm just testing the $1 trial offer. I may not keep it active. (Even without it, the $9.97 a month is so affordable that it might not make a difference.)

But if you want to take advantage of the $1 trial offer, you should act today so you don't come back and see that I've removed it.

Join Now!

100% Guarantee!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

My Personal Guarantee

If you do not radically improve your physique while participating in LeanLifters, or if for any reason you are not satisfied with anything this club teaches, please contact us and we'll immediately cancel your membership and won't charge you another dime. No hard feelings. And you'll be able to keep all your free reports even if you cancel! So you have no excuse for not achieving your ultimate fitness goals...
Sign Up Now!

Don't Delay On Taking One More Step Towards
Your Best Possible Physique

get lean over 40
You Can Still Get Lean and Muscular If You Are Over 40

You've taken a big step by reading this far. For only $1 you can take one more step and try out LeanLifters for a week. After that, it's only $9.97 a month. Stay as long or as short as you like.

Obviously, if I deliver valuable content to you every month, you'll stay a member of LeanLifters.

And if I don't deliver good stuff, you can cancel. Any time. That's not just a cliche - you can seriously cancel any time and owe nothing further.

If you cancel after 3 months, guess what - you still get to keep everything you got. It's not like you have to delete all the files and emails I sent you. It's not like you have to force yourself to forget all the great advice you'd have gotten.

But I'm betting you'll love this so much that you'll be a member for a long, long time.

Give LeanLifters a Try!


Darrin Clement

YES! I want to add
LeanLifters for only $1!

  • I understand I will receive The 6x6x6 Routine in easy-to-read PDF format.
  • I can easily print this on any printer so I'll have a hard copy.
  • If I don't see progress in the first 30 days, I can return this for a full refund.
  • I know that the secure processing site,, will convert my currency to US dollars for me, if my credit card is from a non-US bank.
  • I understand that after 7 days, unless I cancel, I'll be charged $9.97 for LeanLifters.
  • As long as I'm a member, I'll then be charged $9.97 each month.

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If you would rather stick with just The 6x6x6 Routine, then use this button instead:

P.S. Don't forget the huge list of benefits of being a member! These are easily worth twice the cost of the membership.

P.P.S. And if you don't love it, you can cancel any time. The risk is all mine...



LeanLifters is a fitness and weight lifting membership for men over 40
looking to build lean muscle and lose fat.